A new list of forthcoming events has today (16 February 2006) been distributed to the Irish Law Updates list.
The full message is available at
Sat.18 Feb.'06: Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) Ireland Seminar - Trinity College, Dublin http://www.tcd.ie/Law/SLSSeminar.html
Fri.24 Feb.'06: Crimes Against Humanitarian Law: International Trials in Perspective - Trinity College Dublin
Wed.8 Mar.'06: The Criminalisation of Children and Young People - Institute of Criminology, UCD, Dublin
Mon.20 Mar.'06: Making constitutional and human rights relevant in practice: Working with the Irish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights - Law Society Seminar, Blackhall Place, Dublin
Sat.25 Mar.'06: Judicial Review - Bar Council Conference, Dublin http://www.lawlibrary.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=574
Wed.29 Mar.'06: "No Turning Back: New Labour and the Politics of Law and Order" - Queen's University Belfast
Fri.31 Mar.'06: Co-Ownership Agreements - Tipperary (Law Society Seminar) http://www.irishlaw.org/events/lawsoc05-06.shtml
Thu.-Fri.6-7 Apr.'06: 6-7 April 2006: 21st British and Irish Law, Education and Technology (BILETA) Annual Conference: Globalisation and Harmonisation in Technology Law, Malta http://events.um.edu.mt/bileta2006/
Fri.-Sun. 7-9 Apr.'06: Law in a Changing Ireland: Annual Conference of Irish Association of Law Teachers - Cork
Thu.27 Apr.'06: Law and the Environment 2006: Fourth Annual Conference for Environmental Professionals - Faculty of Law, UCC, Cork http://www.ucc.ie/en/lawsite/eventsandnews/events/
Thu.27 Apr.'06: Fisheries in Ireland: Lessons from North America - Current Issues in Environmental Law Seminar Series, University of Limerick http://www.ul.ie/envirocom/Noticeboard.htm
Tue.9 May '06: Law Society Annual Family Conference, Dublin http://www.irishlaw.org/events/lawsoc05-06.shtml
Tue.23 May '06: Practical Aspects of Trade Mark Law and Litigation, Law Society Seminar, Blackhall Place, Dublin
Thu.1 Jun.'06: Change in Criminal Justice Policy and Practice in Ireland - Faculty of Law, UCC, Cork
Thu.29 Jun.-Sat.1 Jul.'06: Social Justice in Practice - Association for Legal and Social Philosophy Conference - UCD, Dublin http://www.ucd.ie/alsp2006/
For the full message see