I've recently updated the listings of events at www.irishlaw.org/events/.
Here's the current listing:
Thu. 10 Sep. 2015 6 p.m.:
Securing Justice in an Unjust World - Helena Kennedy - Annual Lecture, Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, University College Cork, Cork
Details at http://www.uccconferencing.ie/product/annual-lecture-centre-for-criminal-justice-and-human-rights-securing-justice-in-an-unjust-world/
Fri. 11 Sep. 2015 08:45 a.m.:
Victims' Rights: An Agenda for Change - University of Limerick School of Law conference
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-victims-conference-september-11th
Thu. 17 Sep. 2015:
The Future of IP: Cathal Lane, Tomkins, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Thu. 17 Sep. 2015:
The impact of mass surveillance on lawyer-client confidentiality - Law Society, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/The_impact_of_mass_surveillance_on_lawyer-client_confidentiality#.Vci_K7TZVng
Thu. 1 Oct. 2015:
Employment Law Update - Law Society, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Annual_Employment_Law_Conference#.Vci_erTZVng
Fri. 2 Oct. 2015:
Victims in Focus: European & Domestic Perspectives - ACJRD 18th Annual Conference, Dublin
Details at http://www.acjrd.ie/contents/283
Fri.-Sat. 9-10 Oct. 2015:
Irish European Law Forum 2015 - Europe’s Shared Burden: Collective Responsibility for Migrants at Sea - UCD Sutherland School of Law, Dublin
Details at http://www.ucd.ie/law/eventsseminars/title,247104,en.html
Thu. 15 Oct. 2015:
Patent Registration and Protection: Gerard Barret, Patent Office, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Mon. 19 Oct. 2015:
The Significance of the Social Sciences for 21st Century Ireland - Lecture by Professor Cass Sunstein - UCD Sutherland School of Law Annual Garrett Fitzgerald Lecture, Dublin
Details at http://bit.ly/5-UCD-6
Wed. 21 Oct. 2015:
Property Law Annual Conference 2015 - Law Society, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Property_Law_Annual_Conference_2015#.Vci_0LTZVng
23-24 Oct. 2015:
Public/Private: Unlocking the Boundaries of Legal Thought, International Association of Legal and Social Philosophy, UK Branch conference, Belfast
Details at http://www.law.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofLaw/News/Title,495213,en.html
Thu. 19 Nov. 2015:
Employees and IP Law : keeping secrets: Eddie Keane, School of Law, UL, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
27-29 Nov. 2015:
The Law Lecturer: Enhancing Academic Life - Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Law Teachers 2015 – Salthill Hotel, Galway
Details at http://www.ialt.ie/event/annual-conference-of-the-ialt-2015
Thu. 10 Dec. 2015:
The EU Digital Single Market: Professor Robert Clark, Arthur Cox Solicitors, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Fri. 11 Dec. 2016:
Employment Law - Irish Centre for European Law conference, Dublin
Details at http://www.icel.ie/events_currentprogramme
Thu. 21 Jan. 2016:
Valuing IP rights: Professor Bill Murphy, School of Law, UNH, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Thu. 18 Feb. 2016:
IP and Disruptive Technologies : 3D Printing explored: Kate Harnett, William Fry Solicitors, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Thu. 10 Mar. 2016:
National and international taxation of IP rights: Professor Jeffrey Maine, University of Maine Law School, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Mon. 18 Apr 2016 2:00 p.m.:
Access to Justice; identifying the problems, finding the solutions - WIT Waterford, School of Humanities, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Seminar, Dublin
Contact Sinead Conneely - sconneely@wit.ie
Thu. 21 April 2016:
Protecting Patents: Michael Lucy, Patent Attorney, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Law Society Diploma and Certificate courses:
11 Sept. 2015 to June 2016:
Diploma in Law 2015 - Law Society Diploma Centre, Dublin and webcast online
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/A15-DipinLaw.aspx#.VcH0zPlViko
Other Diplomas and Certificates at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Courses--Events/Public-Diplomas-CMS/
Diploma in Arbitration; Diploma in Finance Law; Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance
Diploma in Mediation; Diploma in Technology Law; Diploma in In-House Practice
Diploma in Litigation Management Skills (new); Certificate in Aviation Leasing and Finance
Certificate in Advanced Negotiation; Certificate in Charity Law, Trusteeship and Governance
Certificate in Employment Law Advocacy Skills; Certificate in Commercial Contracts
Certificate in Company Secretarial Law and Practice; Certificate in Trade Mark Law
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