Thu. 26 Nov. 2015:
European Data Privacy Rights and Democratic Politics: A Tangled Web - Professor Deirdre Curtin,
Irish Society for European Law, Dublin
Details at https://www.isel.ie/event/view/108/n-a
27-29 Nov. 2015:
The Law Lecturer: Enhancing Academic Life - Annual Conference of the Irish Association of Law Teachers 2015 – Salthill Hotel, Galway
Details at http://www.ialt.ie/event/annual-conference-of-the-ialt-2015
Fri. 27 Nov. 2015:
Securing Accountability: Building effective prison monitoring, inspection, and complaints systems - Irish Penal Reform Trust, Dublin
Fri. 27 November 2015:
Emmanuel Mellisaris (London School of Economics) - ʻSolidarity and Punishmentʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Sat. 28 Nov. 2015:
Graça Machel, one of the world’s leading women’s rights activists is to deliver the Second Annual International Human Rights Lecture - Mary Robinson Centre, Ballina, Co. Mayo
Details at http://www.maryrobinsoncentre.ie/events.html
Sat. 28 Nov. 2015:
Current Legal Challenges Facing Primary School Management - Law School, Trinity College Dublin
Mon. 30 Nov. 2015:
Direct Democracy Considered – Irish, Scottish, Swiss, and Transnational European Perspectives on the Use of Referendums, Quinn School of Business, UCD
Details at http://www.ucd.ie/law/eventsseminars/title,260230,en.html
Tue. 1 Dec. 2015:
The Future of the European Court of Human Rights
Irish Society of International Law, Dublin
Details at http://seanlester9.eventbrite.ie
Tue. 1 Dec. 2015:
Deflecting the Law from its Course: Capital Punishment and Clemency in Ireland, 1923-1990 - Professor Ian O'Donnell, Hugh M. Fitzpatrick Lecture in Legal Bibliography, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Courses--Events/Other-Events/Events/Hugh-M-Fitzpatrick-Lecture-in-Legal-Bibliography2/
Wed. 2 Dec. 2015:
Constitutionalising Labour Rights - Professor Judy Fudge, UCD Sutherland School of Law
Details at http://www.ucd.ie/law/eventsseminars/title,258804,en.html
Thu. 3 Dec. 2015:
Using the Law to Secure Social Justice - Lecture by Michael Farrell, FLAC, Dublin
Thu. 3 Dec. 2015:
Barristers at War, Courts Centenary Commemoration Committee, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Courses--Events/Other-Events/Events/Barristers-at-War-Lecture/
Sat. 5 Dec. 2015:
Precedent in the EU: The Linguistic Aspect Irish Centre for European Law and University of Exeter Workshop, Dublin
Details at http://www.icel.ie/Precedent
Wed. 9 Dec. 2015:
Constitutional Law: An Update - UCD Sutherland School of Law, Dublin
Wed. 9 Dec.2015 12:30 PM:
Two Cheers for the Anti-Impunity Norm - Ulster University, Transitional Justice Seminar Series, Jordanstown campus
Thu. 10 Dec. 2015:
The EU Digital Single Market: Professor Robert Clark, Arthur Cox Solicitors, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Fri. 11 Dec. 2015:
Employment Law - Irish Centre for European Law conference, Dublin
Details at http://www.icel.ie/Employment2015
Fri. 11 December 2015
Bebhinn Donnelly-Lazarov (Swansea University) - ʻWhat does it mean to be responsible for action: lessons from criminal lawʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Mon. 14 Dec. 2015:
Where Next For a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland - Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster, Belfast
Thu. 21 Jan. 2016:
Valuing IP rights: Professor Bill Murphy, School of Law, UNH, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Tue. 29 January 2016
Zoi Aliozi (NUI Galway Irish Centre for Human Rights) - ʻDeconstructing Human Rights in Times of Economic Crisis: A Philosopho-Legal Approachʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Thu. 18 Feb. 2016:
IP and Disruptive Technologies : 3D Printing explored: Kate Harnett, William Fry Solicitors, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Fri. 19 February 2016:
Michael Sevel (University of Sydney) - ʻJoseph Razʼs Philosophy of Human Rightsʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Fri. 4 March 2016:
Elizabeth Shaw (University of Aberdeen) - ʻFree will scepticism and criminal behaviourʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Thu. 10 Mar. 2016:
National and international taxation of IP rights: Professor Jeffrey Maine, University of Maine Law School, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Fri. 18 March 2016:
Mairead Enright and Emilie Cloatre (University of Kent) - ʻTransformative Illegality: Condom Mail Order in the West of Irelandʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Fri. 8 April 2016:
Michael Frazer (University of East Anglia) - ʻThe Ethics of Social Explanation: Causal and Interpretive Approaches as Expressions of (Dis)Respect for Subjectsʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Mon. 18 Apr 2016 2:00 p.m.:
Access to Justice; identifying the problems, finding the solutions - WIT Waterford, School of Humanities, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Seminar, Dublin
Contact Sinead Conneely - sconneely@wit.ie
Thu. 21 April 2016:
Law and the Environment 2016 - School of Law, University College Cork
Details to follow at http://www.ucc.ie/law/
Thu. 21 April 2016:
Protecting Patents: Michael Lucy, Patent Attorney, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516
Fri. 29 April 2016:
Yaniv Roznai (The Minerva Centre for the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions, University of Haifa) - ʻUnconstitutional Constitutional Amendmentsʻ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
Fri. 13 May 2016:
Uladzislau Belvusau (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Alexsandra Gliszczynska-Grabias (Poznan Human Rights Centre) and Ioanna Tourkochoriti (NUI Galway) - ʻRemembering Holocaust and other Atrocities Through Lawʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway
23-24 May 2016:
(Dis)locating Comparative Law: Annual conference of the Irish Society of Comparative Law, NUI Galway
27 June to 1 July 2016:
Summer School on Transitional Justice 2016 - Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster, Belfast
Law Society Diploma and Certificate courses:
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Courses--Events/Public-Diplomas-CMS/
Diploma in Arbitration; Diploma in Finance Law; Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance
Diploma in Mediation; Diploma in Technology Law; Diploma in In-House Practice
Diploma in Litigation Management Skills (new); Certificate in Aviation Leasing and Finance
Certificate in Advanced Negotiation; Certificate in Charity Law, Trusteeship and Governance
Certificate in Employment Law Advocacy Skills; Certificate in Commercial Contracts
Certificate in Company Secretarial Law and Practice; Certificate in Trade Mark Law
Diploma in Aviation Leasing and Finance; Diploma in Commercial Property;
Diploma in Employment Law; Certificate in Data Protection Practice;
Certificate in Environmental and Planning Law; Certificate in Human Rights Law
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