Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Copyright Law for Digital Teaching and Learning event

We held an event on Copyright Law for Digital Teaching and Learning in May 2014 and here is a brief report:

Funded by:
National Forum for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning - www.teachingandlearning.ie.

Theme:  Teaching for transitions - assisting learners in the transition from conventional learning to blended learning or e-learning

Date:  15 May 2014

Link to recording:  http://bit.ly/CDTL-15

Link to slides: http://www.slideshare.net/dariuswirl/presentations

Link to Storify: https://storify.com/dariuswirl/copyright-law-for-digital-teaching-and-learning-ma

Hashtag: #copyrightdtl   -  https://twitter.com/hashtag/CopyrightDTL

Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dariusw/sets/72157644862628692

Blog Post:  http://irishlawblog.blogspot.ie/2015/07/copyright-law-for-digital-teaching-and.html


Dr Louise Crowley, School of Law, University College Cork
Mr Jason Miles-Campbell, Manager, JiscLegal, Glasgow
Dr Eoin O'Dell, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Darius Whelan, School of Law, University College Cork

Key insights from the day:

In online learning materials, it is better from a copyright law perspective to direct users to find the material themselves rather than providing a copy to them
The current educational exceptions regarding copyright are very narrow
The Copyright Review Committee has made important proposals to update the law, but these have not been implemented
Staff should familiarise themselves with the requirements of the Irish Copyright Licensing Agency (ICLA) licence.
It can be valuable for an institution to have one team or central unit dealing with copyright
If using images licensed under Creative Commons, it is important to always use proper attribution

Key contributions from the seminar to the broader Forum outlined theme: 

The seminar advised participants how to create learning materials (for blended and online modules) which comply with Irish copyright law and create assessment tools which comply with copyright law. It developed awareness of developments such as Creative Commons, Open Educational Resources and open source software.  It assisted participants to communicate relevant requirements of copyright law to learners who take part in modules.  Knowledge of these topics will enhance the abilities of participants to provide online or blended courses and enable learners to transition from conventional learning to e-learning.

See also the summary of the day by Caroline Rowan of University of Limerick

Picture by Pat Rice