Thursday, June 05, 2008

Reforming Laws on Sexual Violence: UCC Event on 27 June

Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights
Faculty of Law, University College Cork
Annual Criminal Law Conference
"Reforming Laws on Sexual Violence: International Perspectives"
Friday 27th June 2008

Speakers include:
Judge T Doherty (Special Court Sierra Leone);
Kelly D. Askin (Open Society Justice Initiative);
Madeleine Rees (OHCHR - Bosnia Herzegovina) ;
Doris Buss (Carleton University, Canada);
Fionnuala Ni Aoláin (TJI Uslter / Minnesota);
Penny Andrews (Valparaiso Uni / South Africa);
Amira Khair (ICC Women / Sudan);
Milena Pires (Govt of Timor-Leste);
B. Klappe (Netherlands Defence Academy);
O. Barbour (Irish Defence Forces);
Thomas O'Malley (NUI Galway);
James Hamilton (Director of Public Prosecutions);
Martha Fineman (Emory University, USA);
Nora Owen (Commission for Victims of Crime)

Venue: Aula Maxima, University College Cork
Time: 10.15am- 6.00 pm (Registration and Tea / Coffee from 9.30am)
CPD Group Study 6.5 points
Further details and booking form at:
RSVP: June 20th 2008

This conference is organised with the support of the Department of Foreign Affairs and will be the first event of the Irish Government's Chair of the Human Security Network (