Wednesday, September 07, 2005

More events

A large number of events have been added to the IrishLaw events page at

Some examples:

Wed.-Thu. 21-22 Sep.'05: Criminal Justice Research, North and South - QUB, Belfast
Thu.22 Sep.'05: Special Areas of Conservation and Natural Heritage Sites - TCD Law School, Dublin
Wed.28 Sep.'05: Estates and Trusts: Recurring Tax Issues - Dublin
Fri.30 Sep.'05: Why Lawyers and Economists Should be Friends - Joint Irish Society for European Law / Competition Authority Conference - Dublin
Tue.4 Oct.'05: Discrimination in Goods And Services: Implications of the Equal Status Acts 2000-2004 - Law Society, Dublin
Wed.5 Oct.'05: The Cultural Roots of American Over-Incarceration in the 1980's and 1990's - UCD Institute of Criminology, Dublin
Thu.6 Oct.'05: Public Interest Law in Ireland - FLAC Seminar - Dublin
Wed.12 Oct.'05: Women’s Imprisonment in Northern Ireland: Reflections & Futures - Belfast
Sat.15 Oct.'05: Migrant Workers and Human Rights Law (Irish Human Rights Commission conference) - Dublin
Sat.15 Oct.'05: Freedom of Information Conference - TCD Law School, Dublin
Thu.20 Oct.'05: Teaching, Learning, Living Human Rights - Dublin Castle
Tue.-Wed. 15-16 Nov.'05: The Ongoing Development of a Genuine Single Market for Financial Services: The European Banking “Passport”, Pensions, Tax Harmonisation and Money Laundering - Academy of European Law conference, Dublin
Thu.17 Nov.'05: Can Human Rights Survive? The Crisis of Scarce Resources - Hamlyn Lecture by Professor Conor Gearty, QUB Law School, Belfast
Fri.2 Dec.'05: Guardianship: A New Structure for Vulnerable Adults - Law Reform Commission Annual Conference 2005 - Dublin
Thu. 8 Dec.'05: Data Protection in Ireland - Dublin
Fri. 9 Dec.'05: Freedom of Information in Ireland - Dublin
Fri.-Sat. 9-10 Dec.'05: International Conference on Economic Social and Cultural Rights - Dublin

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