Tuesday, October 13, 2015

IT Law Clinic at UCC - dealing with queries from startups

How can you protect the copyright in your images and software?
How can you ensure your site complies with data protection law?
What are the laws on selling online?
What are the rules regarding web domain names?
Can customer data be stored in cloud services?
-  For questions like these, contact the IT Law Clinic

At the IT Law Clinic, UCC law postgraduate students provide information to startups on legal questions.   There is no charge for the service.
Students and academic staff work in partnership with established law firms.
We are part of the European network of ICT law incubators – www.ilincnetwork.eu.

Contact us for more information:
Phone (021) 490 3452.  Email itlawclinic@ucc.ie    

Twitter: @ITLawClinicUCC

IT Law Clinic, School of Law, University College Cork

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