Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Events in February 2016 and afterwards

I've updated the list of events at www.irishlaw.org.

Here's the current listing:

Thu. 25 Feb. 2016:
The Mental Health Act 2001: An Update - DSBA and IMHLA seminar, Dublin
Details at http://imhla.ie/events/

Thu. 25 Feb. 2016:
Legal Education Session for NGOs on Civil Legal Aid - FLAC, Dublin

Fri. 26 Feb. 2016:
The legal consequences of Brexit - ICEL and CPDB, Belfast
Details at http://www.icel.ie/Brexit

Fri. 26 Feb. 2016:
Appellate Committee to Supreme Court: Plus Ca Change? - Irish Legal History Society, Belfast

Fri. 26 Feb. 2016:
Voices conference - Voices of Individuals - Collectively Exploring Self-Determination, Dublin (Sold Out)

Wed. 2 March 2016:
Constitutions, referendums and the family - Dublin

Thu. 3 March 2016:
Irish Refugee Council: Single Protection Procedure Seminar, Dublin

3-4 March 2016:
Symposium on the Legal Regulation & Policing of Commercial Sex, Queen's University Belfast
Details at http://www.law.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofLaw/News/Events/

Fri. 4 March 2016:
Intersecting Spheres: Exploring the Relationships between Ethics, Law and Medicine - School of Law, University College Cork
Details at http://www.ucc.ie/en/lawsite/eventsandnews/

Fri. 4 March 2016:
Elizabeth Shaw (University of Aberdeen) - ʻFree will scepticism and criminal behaviourʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway

Sat. 5 March 2016:
Education and the Law - A Duty to Care: Issues of Child Protection, Welfare and Inclusion for Educators and Legal Advisors - Sligo

Wed. 9 March 2016:
Workplace Relations Act 2015 - Law Society, Dublin

Thu. 10 March 2016:
Parity for Women Lawyers: Where are we now? IWLA, Dublin

Thu. 10 March 2016:
EU Civil Litigation Update - Irish Centre for European Law, Dublin
Details at http://www.icel.ie/Litigation

Thu. 10 Mar. 2016:
National and international taxation of IP rights: Professor Jeffrey Maine, University of Maine Law School, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516

Sat. 12 March 2016:
Surrogacy: Forging a Legal and Policy Framework for Ireland - School of Law, NUI Galway

Tue. 15 March 2016:
The European Convention on Human Rights and states of emergency - Joint Honorary Lecture in honour of Michael O’Boyle - Law Society, Dublin
Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Joint_Honorary_Lecture_in_honour_of_Michael_OBoyle

Fri. 18 March 2016:
Mairead Enright and Emilie Cloatre (University of Kent) - ʻTransformative Illegality: Condom Mail Order in the West of Irelandʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway

Fri. 8 April 2016:
Michael Frazer (University of East Anglia) - ʻThe Ethics of Social Explanation: Causal and Interpretive Approaches as Expressions of (Dis)Respect for Subjectsʼ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway

Sat. 9 April 2016:
Legal Capacity Conference 2016 - UCC CCJHR and IMHLA conference, School of Law, University College Cork
Details at http://imhla.ie/events/2016/3/10/ucc-09april2016

Fri. 15 April 2016:
Business Contract Re-equipment for Contracting Parties, Lawyers, Managers, Resolvers, Students and Others - Sutherland School of Law, UCD, Dublin

Mon. 18 Apr 2016 2:00 p.m.:
Access to Justice; identifying the problems, finding the solutions - WIT Waterford, School of Humanities, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Seminar, Dublin
Contact   Sinead Conneely - sconneely@wit.ie

Thu. 21 April 2016:
Law and the Environment 2016 - School of Law, University College Cork
Details to follow at http://www.ucc.ie/law/

Thu. 21 April 2016:
Protecting Patents: Michael Lucy, Patent Attorney, IP Law Café at University of Limerick
Details at http://www.ul.ie/law/news/00%5Bnid%5D-ip-law-café-201516

Fri. 29 April 2016:
Yaniv Roznai (The Minerva Centre for the Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions, University of Haifa) - ʻUnconstitutional Constitutional Amendmentsʻ - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway

29 April to 1 May 2016:
Vested Interests and the Law - A Contemporary and Brehon Perspective - Burren Law School, Co. Clare

10-11 May 2016:
Fighting Cybercrime: Between Legal Challenges and Practical Difficulties - ICEL and ERA, Dublin

Fri. 13 May 2016:
Uladzislau Belvusau (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Alexsandra Gliszczynska-Grabias (Poznan Human Rights Centre) and Ioanna Tourkochoriti (NUI Galway) - ʻRemembering Holocaust and other Atrocities Through Lawʼ  - Legal and Political Theory Workshop Series, NUI Galway

23-24 May 2016:
(Dis)locating Comparative Law: Annual conference of the Irish Society of Comparative Law, NUI Galway

24-26 May 2016:
The Politics of Hate: Community, Societal and Global Responses - University of Limerick

25-27 May 2016:
Human Rights: A 21st Century Approach to the Work of Ombudsmen, Belfast

Fri. 3 June 2016:
Procurement Conference - ICEL and Eversheds, Dublin
Details to follow at http://www.icel.ie

16-25 June 2016:
Cinema and Human Rights Summer School, NUI Galway

20-24 June 2016:
NUIG Centre for Disability Law & Policy: 2016 Summer School, Galway

23-24 June 2016:
North-South Criminology Conference, Maynooth University
Details at http://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/law/news

24 June 2016:
The Role of International Law in Post-Conflict and Post-Colonial Societies - QUB Human Rights Centre, Belfast

27 June to 1 July 2016:
Women and Political Settlements: International, Regional and Local Approaches to Peacemaking - Summer School on Transitional Justice 2016 - Transitional Justice Institute, University of Ulster, Belfast

27 June to 1 July 2016:
International Criminal Court Summer School, ICHR, NUI Galway

Tue. 28 June 2016:
Evidence-Informed Decision Making:  Putting research into practice in Criminal Justice - ACJRD, Dublin
Details to follow at http://www.acjrd.ie

Fri. 1 July 2016:
Privacy and Data Protection Conference, ICEL, Dublin
Details to follow at http://www.icel.ie

Law Society Diploma and Certificate courses:  

Details at http://www.lawsociety.ie/Courses--Events/Public-Diplomas-CMS/

Certificate in Practice Development; Certificate in Decision-Making Capacity and Support
Diploma in Arbitration; Diploma in Finance Law; Diploma in Corporate Law and Governance
Diploma in Mediation; Diploma in Technology Law; Diploma in In-House Practice
Diploma in Litigation Management Skills (new); Certificate in Aviation Leasing and Finance
Certificate in Advanced Negotiation; Certificate in Charity Law, Trusteeship and Governance
Certificate in Employment Law Advocacy Skills; Certificate in Commercial Contracts
Certificate in Company Secretarial Law and Practice; Certificate in Trade Mark Law; Diploma in Aviation Leasing and Finance
Diploma in Commercial Property; Diploma in Employme Law
Certificate in Data Protection Practice; Certificate in Environmental and Planning Law
Certificate in Human Rights Law

Follow Irish Law Events on Twitter - @irishlawevents

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